I got myself a personal trainer to help me get to where I want to be. One day a week I will be meeting with "Ben," who will be kicking my ass and making sure the rest of the week I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. You should see the print out they gave me. If I stick to the program I'm gonna look like an effing beast.
I went grocery shopping to to buy the necessary food stuffs. This food is BORING! But I'm pretty good at the cooking thing so I hope to make it a little better. Oh and Aldi's makes it really easy to eat really good for really cheap. I got 6 pork chops, 4 pieces of salmon, 8 flavored tuna packs, 12 cans of chicken, 2 bags of almonds, a whole bunch of frozen fruit, jello cups, vitamins, a big tub of yogurt and some other crap for like 60 bucks. Try doing that anywhere else. All the old food and crap around the house, yeah that's been removed. Out with the old in with the new.
I am going to stop being a sissy and not smoke another cigarette and stop wearing these patches. I need to have self control if I am going to stick with this. If I can't control the smoking habit, I can't do any of this.
I am motivated. I am ready. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
J’adore Quince Cashmere
4 months ago
I'm with you! I recently started eating healthy and need to get a trainer again. The last guy I had was amazing!
Good luck with the quitting smoking, I'm going to wait until I see some results before I quit. Otherwise I'll end up frustrated!